Friday, November 23, 2018

Tips on getting along with the in-laws

Not everyone gets along with every person including in-laws . Your in-laws are a very important part of your other halves life . They will always be a part of your life so getting along really helps the relationship  . Of course there are some exceptions , but that is for another blog. This blog is about the in-law who does little things that drives you nut , or just something doesn't set right with you about them .
Holidays are usually the worst because that's when many people spend the most time with family  .
So here are some ways I kept peace with my in-laws . I am not a professional adviser but I hope they help you out .

1. So you have one of those in-laws who feeds the kids what ever they want  , when they want  . Unless it really causes issues ,. Just explain to the kids that they have different rules at the in-laws house . But your rules are the same when they come home .

2. When the in-laws give you advice on how to raise your kids , listen . They may actually have some good advice . What's it going to hurt , your going to raise them your way anyhow .

3. During a get together try relax and have fun ,  remember it is only for a short time .

4. If you have an in-law that nit picks  I feel for ya . Sometimes it is best just to ignore the comment If they are always making suggestions , just say I'll try that or I tried that wonder why it didn't work for me .  Commenting on any physical item whether it is you hair or a room color , reply my husband or wife , love it. That  always gets them .

5. There are times when speaking up is necessary , you don't want to feel you are being walked on . Always defend yourself or express hurt feelings  in a calm rational manner . If you have to leave the room and calm down or speak to them later about the indecent .

6. Try to stay out of arguments between your spouse and their parents . But if need be take your spouses side .


We would love to hear any ideas you all have on keeping family peace .

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